Special Report about the Breakthrough
to Discover the Real Story of Jesus Birth

Hi, I’m Dr. Patrick Pierce and I did the research and wrote the more accurate book about Jesus’ Birth and the two years surrounding that historic event.  Here’s how I happened to write that book. 

I was at a wonderful Christmas pageant that you can see below.

It was complete with flying angels, donkeys, and even camels.  It was a great experience filled with heart lifting songs and performances.  But what made it even better is that several of my grandchildren were in the production.

Now came the questions.  I’m a Bible scholar, I’ve translated the Bible Gospels and written a book about Jesus and the Gospels.  I knew that this presentation I had just thoroughly enjoyed wasn’t the way it really happened.  However, I didn’t have any idea what did happen or even who the people really were.  I had studied and heard about Mary and Joseph all my life.  But I never got to know who they were and how this whole event really happened.

I’m a research doctors and I had to find out.  So, my research started and my first big surprise was that there are hundreds and hundreds of documents from the time period surrounding Jesus’ birth.  These ancient records tell us a lot about the people, the places, and even what happened.  Wow, what a treasure for a researcher.

I gathered all I could find and started reading, taking notes, constructing a time line of all the events as they unfolded.  What a fascinating time.  What an interesting group of people.  And what a series of events that surrounded Jesus’ Birth.  Now that I had hundreds of pages of notes and thousands of pages of historical documents, what was I going to do with all of it?

I had to tell people the real story about Jesus’ birth.  I started giving talks to friends, church groups, and classes.  My wife gave me the inspiration to tell the story first hand as if we were actually there.  So that is what I did.

My wife and I take you on a “Time Cruise” back in time to meet Joseph in the temple in Nazareth.  Below is the temple in the Nazareth Village in Nazareth today.

We really get to find out how Joseph, Mary and their families lived.  Things are very different than we expected.  In many ways life is harder in the first century, but in other ways it was better.  We fell in love with the people and the way of life. 

The highlight is meeting Joseph, Anna, and then Mary.  Mary is having her 14th birthday party and has just arrived back from the Temple in Jerusalem.  It is a wonderful gathering and you will love getting to know and understand these important people.

One of our readers said that she was so glad to get to know Joseph and Mary as real people and loved meeting them. 

The next part of the book covers some hectic activity.  We walk all over the Nazareth area.  We are taken on a tour of Nazareth by Joseph and then over to their families house where we are staying during this part of our visit.

The picture above is some of the buildings surrounding Nazareth, Israel today in the reconstruction.  You will see how Joseph is selected by the priests to be Mary’s husband.  This wasn’t at all what anyone expected.  The way Joseph is selected is directly from several of the historical documents.  It’s almost unbelievable, but was reported.  A very weird way to select a husband from my point of view, but that is what the ancient records said, so that is what the story tells.

After Joseph is selected to be Mary’s husband, Anna springs into action and arranges a betrothal ceremony.  This was a big event and drew Joseph and Mary’s relatives from Nazareth, Judea and clear down to Bethlehem.

We leave this section with a couple on a high, moving forward waiting for their year before their actual wedding.

One of the readers said that when she started reading she couldn’t stop.  The actual story is so interesting and it feels like I’m really there.

This part of the book covers a lot.  The picture on the prior page is one of the paintings of the enunciation.  It is the start of the miracle that brought us Jesus, Emmanuel, God here with us.  Mary’s enunciation by the angel Gabriel, the Holy Spirit and the conception of Jesus.  Everything gets worse from here.  Mary is pregnant and she has just been betrothed and not married yet.

The visitation of Mary going to meet Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist is covered next.  The sculpture above is about the wonderful meeting and is found at the place of the visitation in the Judean hills west of Jerusalem.  Mary spends three months there before Joseph comes down to accompany her back to Nazareth only to discover, she’s pregnant.  Joseph is told in a dream to take Mary, but then he is subject to rejection also.

The priests put Mary and Joseph on trial at the Temple in Jerusalem for their crime.  Both of them or one of them is going to killed for their sin, as the law says.  On the prior page is the reconstruction of the Temple that is found in Jerusalem today, and is where they were tried.  Both of them are almost killed because of Mary’s condition, but they escape.  They are rejected in Nazareth and life is very hard for the couple.  The priests are trying to find a way for them to pay for the sin that is obvious and is worthy of death. 

One of the readers said that he never knew what Mary and Joseph had to go through in that culture.  They were stronger and more committed people than ever thought they were.

The last part of the book covers the trip from Nazareth down to Bethlehem which took about a week because of Mary’s condition.  The couple ends up in a cave for Jesus’ birth.  It is very interesting because we told a lot about the cave.  It size, shape, and location.  Above is Jesus’ birthplace in Bethlehem.  When you come here, you can see that it is much larger area than we tend to think of.

Jesus is born and everyone in the area has to come by and see.  The angels have told the shepherds and they went around and told everyone else.  There’s a lot of accounts about all the commotion that was caused around the cave.

The family then settles in Bethlehem and Joseph is the town’s carpenter.  The scene above is of a first century carpenter shop recreation at the Nazareth Village in Nazareth, Israel.  This lasts for a little more than a year until the Wisemen come to visit. 

There are several historic documents that tell us a lot about the Wisemen.  They were kings from the Persian area to the north.  They came with hundreds of men, soldiers, slaves, livestock, camels, and tents.  It was like the circus and the big top had arrived right outside of Bethlehem. 

We get to spend some time with the Wisemen from several ancient records that tell us about them and where they are from.  All of this is taken directly from the historic documents.  They go into Nazareth with their parade of attendants and the town’s people trailing along behind.

One of the very interesting things I found from the records is that the Wisemen presented their gifts to Jesus and the family on or around December 25th.  I love that because it makes Christmas and Christmas gifts extra special.

Just as things are looking wonderful, it gets dangerous and scary.  Above is Rubin’s famous painting, “Massacre of the Innocents.”  Herod sends his troops to round up the Wisemen so he can find out who this new King of the Jews is.  The Wisemen are warned in a dream and leave right before the troops arrive. 

Joseph is also warned to get out of town and go to Egypt.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus just barely escape the death squad that is there to kill all of the boys under two years old.  The records state that their escape was made possible by strangers, and wait till you see who they are.

No sooner are they safely on their way to Egypt when the death squad starts out to find John the Baptist and his family.  Elizabeth and John escape into the wilderness.

Another reader said I was never so scared, I thought I was having heart palpitations and cold sweats.

This book, Experience the Very First Christmas, brings you face-to-face with Jesus and Jesus’ family.  This is an experience you will never forget.

One read said, I have never felt so close to God.

Above is the cover of the book that you will receive.  Days of Victory is a nonprofit organization and has made this available very affordable for you.